To be compliant with CMS, TJC, DNV, and other regulatory agencies it is essential to have an accurate medical equipment inventory.

CE-Tech maintains your inventory using a Computerized Medical Maintenance System (CMMS ) . Having this accurate inventory helps us monitor the safety and performance of your equipment. CMMS keeps updated records of your corrective and preventive maintenance inspections from the initial incomings up to the day the equipment is retired. This accurate medical equipment inventory is essential for device recalls, device alerts, safety committees, capital equipment purchasing decisions, and surveys.

Your inventory must be continually updated to provide real-time data in order for it to be effective. To assist in keeping your inventory accurate please let us know when there is new equipment coming into the facility and when the equipment is no longer at the facility.

CE-Tech is here to assist you in your medical equipment inventory control and your asset management, please call 1-800-333-7477.